The Preventive Maintenance Program (PMI) is an examination of your home that we perform annually. What this examination is designed to do is to allow us to help you save money! We will help find current and potential repair issues to the home that if left unchecked will eventually turn into costly repairs that could have been caught early and repaired at little cost.
Our skilled technicians will do a simple walk around the outside of the home as well as in the crawlspace using their knowledge to look for potential problems. They will compose a “Honey Do List” of items that are in need of attention. This can be as simple as caulking a window seal or fixing a shingle to as complicated as you can imagine.
The structure of your home is constantly under attack from the weather and moisture that mother nature throws at it as well as the insects we have that want to eat it. If allowed to go unprotected and un-noticed these issues can easily cause you thousands of dollars and this is what we are trying to STOP.
Upon completion of the PMI our technicians will furnish you a copy of the report for you to use as maintenance guide to keep your home in tip top shape. They can also provide you with advice on how to repair the item noted or an estimate if the job is too large.